Tourism After Katrina

Statistics about how Hurricane Katrina affected the city of New Orleans paint a daunting picture: 800,000 people displaced from their homes, nearly $23 billion in damages, and 80 percent of the city flooded. News outlets covered the unfolding drama 24 hours a day right after the hurricane, but it is rare to see current images of the city as it rebuilds itself and returns to normal.
Hurricane Katrina affected not only the local populations but also the once-thriving tourist industry in the area. For those living outside of New Orleans, perhaps the last images they had of the city involved flooding, devastation, and chaos. It has been years since the hurricane and although the city and its residents were changed forever, there is still much to be admired about this great historic place.
The French Quarter and Old New Orleans
Most visitors to New Orleans come to see the French … READ MORE -->