Hampi Karnataka – City of Fascinating Ruins

Hampi is a city of interesting ruins from the 15th-century Vijyanagar Empire. The city has more than 500 historical monuments scattered around the hills and valleys of this place. This is one of the richest Karnataka cities in terms of heritage tourism. Carvings based on intricate themes from each monument this place has its own story to tell. This is a paradise for art patronage and an institution for art students. Amidst giant boulders and vegetation ruins of Hampi lies scattered in about 26 sq. km area. The remains of palaces, gateways and temples are examples of human imaginations that are crafted in stones. The majestic beauty, supreme sculpture and crafted legacies ranked these scattered ruins in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site. Some of the well known historic attractions of this place are:
AchyutaRaya Temple:
It is among the supreme example of Vijaynagara Style architectures. It was built … READ MORE -->